Mapou Net Radio


About Mapou Net Radio

Listeners may easily follow and enjoy Mapou Net Radio’s specialized programs together with their radio programs since they have a variety of programs planned for specific times of the day. Additionally, Mapou Net Radio offers its audience programming tailored specifically for unique events. Listen to Mapou Net Radio’s on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. Stay connected wherever you go and never miss out on your favorite programs or news updates.

More Information

Mapou Net Radio's only broadcast on the internet which makes us a web radio, we equip ourselves with all the latest technologies in order to better serve you, our mission is to always make you happy, we strive every day to to bring you good pleasure and joy to the heart, our goal is to see you always in a good mood when it comes to radio broadcasting, we work for you and with you every day.



Language: French


Contact Number: +14134002952

Address: Bois dehors, 74, mapou lagon l`estère HAITI

Frequency: 96.7 MHz

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