About Couleur FM 94.1
In terms of music, not all genres of tracks are loved by listeners; some are, while others are not. This is also why Couleur FM 94.1 only plays music that their listeners appreciate and is currently popular. Couleur FM 94.1 is concerned about your musical preferences.
Radio Couleur FM was founded on August 2, 2010 by Ronel Bien Aim Since 2010, Radio Couleur FM is a private and independent radio broadcasting company. The Radio Couleur FM programming is made up of variety shows, national and international music, political, economic, social and cultural broadcasts. Its broadcasts are broadcast 24/7 on the 94.1 FM frequency in stereo in North-West Haiti and on the Couleur fm radio website.
Website: radiocouleurfm.com
Language: French
Email: radiocouleurfm@gmail.com
Contact Number: +786-505-0112
Address: Haiti
Frequency: 94.1 MHz