Radio Adventsat


À propos Radio Adventsat

Adventsat Radio is a live internet broadcasting music direct situated in (Ouest, Haïti). This Radio plays an alternate scope of music types. Among individuals, tout étant égal, this radio channel plays music projects and television shows 24 hours live on the web.

Plus d'information

Adventsat Radio is a vibrant broadcast community radio station based in Haiti, dédié à servir sa communauté locale avec des informations, divertissant, et un contenu engageant. En mettant l'accent sur la diffusion d'informations, musique, et programmation culturelle, Adventsat Radio strives to connect with listeners and provide a platform for diverse voices to be heard. Tune in to Adventsat Radio to stay informed about local events, musique, et des histoires qui comptent pour le peuple haïtien. Join us as we celebrate the rich cultural heritage and vibrant spirit of our community through the airwaves of Adventsat Radio.


Site web:

Langue: Français

Adresse: Haïti